Friday 7 December 2012

Rotary or holiday pictures ... do not miss the good ones

Do you have a mobile phone? Have you ever used your phone camera? Are you like me ... have played around with it and taken a few pictures but then not known what to do with them? I was caught short the other day at a Rotary event without my camera and took a really great picture that I really wanted to use, so was forced to take the time to find out how to email it to myself where I could download and put it to good use.

This monumental learning curve took me 3 minutes! Why was I so worried about learning this technology I have always with me!
And I was able to add text - a few words to remind me of a couple of points so when I went to write something to go with the picture I had some facts. The other thing that worried me was the picture would be too small in quality / size but need not have worred as it was 1.2MB so the camera setting was OK ... you might need to see if yours needs adjusting to maximum (always do maximum).
OK, you might have to get your email set up on the phone but surely a friend or the local phone retailer can help. The point is, there is no excuse for your club's project not to have good publicity and especially some good, close-up action pictures.
And if you add to the email copy line   you are most likely to also get your masterpiece onto the Rotary success stories blog at as well (add your name in the text box so we know who to credit).

Still, no matter how much mobile phone technology has advanced over recent years, do not be fooled ... even a low-end camera will do a better job especially in low light situations (where a mobile camera is at its worst) so camera first, mobile phone is way better than no picture!